tSIP: video

tSIP version with video support was initially splited from version 0.2.11 into https://github.com/tomek-o/tSIP-video, based on the following reason:

Video support was later moved to main project, with the intention of building video and "regular" binaries from the same source code base. While video support is definitely not mature, compile-time switch enabling/disabling it seems to be good enough way to prevent from audio-only version being negatively affected.


Few unexpected (at least for me) things related to video calls:

Binaries / releases

This branch of tSIP is not well-tested yet. Some essential features are missing. Backward compatibility in case of updates is not high on the priority list yet (configuration may change). Use at own risk.

OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Full OpenH264 binary license: http://www.openh264.org/BINARY_LICENSE.txt.

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